Sunday, November 29, 2009

Early Xmas Get-together with the Circle of Love

Today was our yearly Christmas celebration with the Circle of Love - the Grays, The Korts, the Elliotts, the Ikedas and Glenn. We always seem to have it right after Thanksgiving because December is so busy. We had a great dinner at the Korts, and watched all of the kids open their presents. Sofia had fun opening her gifts and got some great stuff. She also got to partake for the first time in the "all kids" photo. Pics below:

Alexis & Sofia = BFF

How sweet are these two

Too much love? ;)

oooh wrapping paper

Starting to crawl

Playing with D

Good Night Moon tastes good!

Go Kings!

OG holding Sofia - ready for the pic!

This was the best one I got, I will post others from the rest of the paparazzi once I get them.
From L: Conall, Cian, Sasha, Dustin, Alexis, Josh, Olivia and Sofi

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sofia is 34 weeks old - Uncle Greggy's Bday!

Today was Uncle Greggy's 60th Birthday! We celebrated with the whole fam up in Palmdale. For some reason we didn't take many pix today, here are a few though:

Sofia with the size 15 slippers we bought Greggy - they are almost as big as her

Fun with balloons

Happy girl

My smiley face

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sofia's First Thanksgiving

Today was Sofia's first Thanksgiving. She has a little cough, but she was still in a pretty good mood all day. We went to Dad & Sue's for dinner, and got to see Uncle Bob & Auntie Mary and Sue's friend Betsy and her family. She was a little flirt and even Betsy's two teenage sons had to admit by the end of the night she is pretty darn cute. Pics below!

She's "stuffed!"

Sitting around watching Grammy Sue play music on her guitar

Fun standing up, the table was the perfect height!

Grammy Sue is pretty funny!

Sofia tried some mashed potatoes (yum) and also some sweet potato "puffs" - she just tried these in the last week and is already doing pretty well at picking them up and putting them in her mouth.

"Mom, another picture?!"

Finally a shot where you can KINDA see her first toof!
(click on pic to see larger version)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Nelson took Sofia to a party at his work today and his co-worker took this picture with this Iphone, and has an app to make magazine covers, so he emailed this to us!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Latest Milestones

Today has already been a big day and it's only mid-day! 3 milestones to share:

#1 This morning Sofia pulled herself into a standing position in her crib (holding on to the rails), prompting us to quickly decide to move her mattress position all the way to the lowest position. We can already tell this position makes it a lot harder for mommy & daddy (chiropractor much?) and it's kind of funny because it looks like she is in baby jail in there. I have a feeling the bumpers won't last much longer, because she's already starting to push on them and use them as leverage to climb. Sigh.

#2 I noticed this morning that her first tooth is starting to come through! It's barely visible (once it is, we'll get a pic) but when I ran my finger along her bottom gums, you can definitely feel it. Hard to tell if its one tooth or two, I think they are both making their way up. She has been a little fussier than usual today, so that may be bothering her.

#3 We weighed Sofia this morning and she now just at the 20 pound mark! This means in the next couple of weeks we will have to transition her from her 6-9 month clothes into the next size up, which ironically is not "9 months" it's actually 12 months! Note to anyone buying her clothes for the holiday 12 months or larger!

Sofia continues to enjoy daycare and is happy and excited to see Lena in the mornings when I drop her off. She hasn't gotten too many cooties yet, a little bit of a runny nose a couple of times that has gone away within a day. I think it's runny today partly because of the teething.

She's definitely trying to work her way to mobility - besides sitting up from a laying position, she also pushes up on all fours from her tummy and scootches on her tummy (not quite a crawl).

She is now eating some formula every day in addition to breastmilk. I just couldn't keep up the supply with the demand. But I must say it does add a lot of convenience to have that option when we are out - Disneyland yesterday was so much easier. She could eat no matter where we were.

Continuing to make a lot of food for her - she's now tried several more things, zucchini and mango which are the latest. I tend to buy jarred versions of the items which are more complicated to prepare so she eats a combo of both homemade and storebought, and Lena makes her food at daycare. Tonight I am having a "homemade baby food swap" with some of my mommy friends, we all make an ince cube tray's worth of a different food for each person, so tonight I am taking 6 trays of zucchini and bringing home a tray of sweet potatoes, squash, pears, bananas and Joanne's "Green blend" (mixed veggies). I think that my next batch of food will be combos, right now I am combining at the meal (defrosting 2 cubes of a veggie and 2 of a fruit and mixing). But in the future I will mix when I prepare. Also coming up next month (8 months old) we will start her on yogurt and some protein, as well as introduce some spices!

And what fun would a post be without some multimedia - here's a video form Friday night of Sofia "dancing" to Jai Ho, the themesong from Slumdog Millionaire. Nel's face is even more entertaining than hers :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nelson's Bday / Sofia's Second Trip to Disneyland!

We had a great time as Disneyland celebrating Nelson and Anna's birthday. Sofia has just as much fun as last time, thought the rides were cool and not scary. We met a few more characters this time too. Plus it was decorated for Christmas which is always awesome. At the very bottom after the pics if a video of her on the Carousel. Happy Birthday Nel!