Monday, January 30, 2012

Gabby's New Bangs

Still getting used to how different Gabby looks with her new bangs - I think they are totally adorable, what does everyone else think??

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sofia's Sunday

We ran errands and shopped for Gabby's birthday party (while wearing her Kings jersey), bought and watched Beauty in the Beast while wearing her Belle costume, and she shared a Shakeology with mama and we got matching chocolate shake mustaches!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Gabby's First Haircut

Gabby's hair is straight, unlike Sofia's, so it's always in her face. We finally had to make an appointment to get her hair cut - since her birthday and 1 year old photos are coming up quick.
Well firstly, she hated it. As soon as they put the smock on her, she was like "WTF". She wanted no part of this strange lady and her scissors or the cute car they have the kids sit in. So I ended up holding her for the better part of the haircut (which since it was bangs only was about 5 minutes). But the bangs look super cute on her. I love to see more of that kissable face! Then Sofia who didn't need a haircut insisted on one, so she got some bangs too. Her hair is curly so bangs don't really work as well, but she was excited, got braids and glitter, and a lollipop. After we got home we took some cute pics on our "in home photo studio" with my little backdrop kit, and they really were not cooperating so I'm surprised I got so many good ones.
And lastly - gotta have the baby comparison shot - Sofia & Gabby's first haircuts side by side.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Gabby's on the Move (with a little help)

Gabby just started walking (with the help of a chair) as well as pulling herself up to standing today. Now we just can't stop her! Here's a video of her pushing a chair through the playroom. She did this up and down the hallway too, she seems so excited too, like "look at me go!"

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Birthday Party Season Begins!

We had fun today at Campbell's 1st birthday. Her brother Griffin is in Sofia's mommy & me group and Campbell is just a couple weeks older than Gabby. It was Chinese New Year themed and there was great Chinese food. This marks the beginning of a busy birthday party season - culminating in April where we have birthday parties almost every weekend for the mommy & me group since the kids were all born around the same time. But it's great fun - Sofia loves running around playing with her friends, and Gabby learns how to socialize more and has lots to look at.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Afternoon Bike & Buggy Ride

We went for a nice walk around the neighborhood this afternoon after naps. Sofia is pedaling all my herself and really likes it. Gabby was so excited that she kept pushing up to standing position in her buggy. We should really do this more often.
PS unrelated but since I haven't blogged in a while, Sofia is completely potty trained now (in a matter of about 2 weeks) - not even wearing diapers at nighttime! I'm glad we waited because it was just the right time for her.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Monthly Collages

Gabby Loves Shakeology too!

OK well at least the shaker cup - she likes anything with a spout that she can chew on :)
Shakeology FYI is the super healthy nutritious meal replacement that drink every day - and part of Beachbody's line of supplements (we have our own Beachbody business - learn more at!)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Big & Little Sista in da House!

I found Sofia's matching shirt from the one Gabby wore the other day - this is her in front of our new mini photo studio kit. It has two backdrops (which I clearly need to iron, 3 lights and stands) Pretty cool. Then I put them both together in one photo to show the shirts!