Monday, April 30, 2012

The L.A. Zoo

Gabby still wasn't feeling so great today (she's had a bit of a fever but from what we can tell it's only being caused by teething) so Sofia & I headed to the LA Zoo with my friend Andrew and his son Max.  Sofia hadn't been there since we was 14 months old. She loved seeing all of the animals, and ran around all over the place. We also took a photo of her with the same Gorilla statue as last time - she was much cooler with "him" this time :)  Afterwards she got to ride her new scooter that she got for her birthday!


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Grammy Sue's Retirement Party

Sofia and I had a fun time at Grammy Sue's retirement party. She ran around the pool making funny faces and checking out the waterfall. We had lots of food - she helped Grammy open presents and when watching the slideshow of Grammy's life - she yelled "that's me" when her photo came up :)
A great afternoon and a great turnout - Sue was celebrated for her great work in education but she is SO excited to almost be done. LOL.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Go Kings!!!

Our Kings have made it to the second round of the playoffs for the first time in 11 years! You would have think they were in the Stanley Cup finals by the way we were hooting and hollering. We all wore Kings gear for the game too - just to watch it on TV - LOL!

A Water Table Day

The girls spent virtually the entire day outside playing with the water table - snapped some great pics. It's been sunny and nice all week, so it was great to get some outside time!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bedtime for Sofia!

Reptiles, anyone?

Sofia had an absolute BLAST at Cole's birthday party today. There was a bouncy with a slide, and they The Reptile Lady came and showed the kids all kinds of reptiles and bugs. Sofia loved them all and showed no fear. She held the snakes, pet a scorpion, let a tarantula walk on her head.  And she showed such joy, it was amazing to watch! What a fun day!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sofia's 3 year old check-up

Well first things first, no shots - woo hoo! On the way to the doctor we met up briefly with Nelson so she could see his FedEx truck, she was super excited. The appointment was pretty brief though they did check her blood pressure and have her wear a gown which was like a "grown-up" doctor's appointment. Doctor said she is doing really well. We are going to find a good pediatric dentist soon for her first dental visit. She was 36 1/2" in height and 34 lbs. Doc wasn't concerned about her weight but said to keep offering healthy foods - more fruits & veggies, whole grains, etc and get her as much activity as possible. We are going to be starting ice skating class soon - so that should be fun and great exercise too!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Baskets & Hunting

Both girls had fun opening up their Easter basket toys (tried to keep candy away!) and hunting for Easter eggs outside. Then we had a fun dinner with Papa Steve, Grammy Sue, Bob & Mary.

A few pics from dinner: