Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sofia's 5 month collage

As we approach 6 months old, here are some of my favorites from month 5!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Today we took the day off to all "recover" from Vegas, when Sofi woke up in the morning we brought her into bed and Nel took some pics of her laying in bed like a big girl. The reason she is wearing socks on her hands is that we also did her 6 month pictures today - my friend Sarah's husband is a photographer and they came over and did a professional shoot at the house. So I was afraid she might scratch or rub her face right before the photos, so I took precautions. We'll post those pics when we get them!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sofia is 25 weeks old!

This weekend Nelson and I went to Las Vegas for our yearly Frozen Fury hockey trip (LA Kings pre-season game at the MGM Grand). My sis and bro-in-law came down with their fam and watched Sofi. They said she was a really good girl, except for the sleeping part. She has been sleeping through the night for about a week but she does occassionally wake up one time during the night and goes back down relatively quickly. Unfortunately for them she stayed up a couple of hours. Doh!
Saturday actually went by really fast for us (the alcohol probably helped) and we had a great time, but by check-out time on Sunday I was ready to see my girl. We raced up to Palmdale for family dinner at the Gatto household, and I may have cross-checked Nelson to get to Sofi first and kiss those cheekies. :p I actually think she was most happy to see us the next morning, it seemed to click that "hey those two are back!"
So since we were gone on Saturday, Holli took this pic. Thanks Hol!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sofia's First Food + Video

Today we gave Sofia her first solid food - a little bit of rice cereal. We were going to wait until 6 months but she has been so hungry all week (ever since those 2 days she slept thru the night) so we figured we would give it a shot. I think she liked it! You can tell from the photos - all but one she was happy about the taste. We gave her a spoon to play with so she wouldn't grab the feeding spoon, but she still did. All in all, she probably had a tablespoon and a half of rice cereal ("watered" down with breastmilk). She got as much on her face and bib as she swallowed, I'm sure. See the video below of the very first bite!

Sofia's First Bite!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sofia's First Kings Game

Today we took Sofia to her first LA Kings game - a pre-season game vs the Anaheim Ducks (boo!) She was in a good mood and we had a fun pre-game meal at the Yard House restaurant right there in downtown LA at "LA Live". By the time we made it into the game, it was almost her dinner time. So after paying $4 for a cup of hot water to heat her bottle, we made our way to our seats. Between being hungry, and the noise of the crowd, she was already starting to get fussy. Then the Kings scored, and I swear the loudest horn on the face of the planet went off. She almost jumped out of her skin and freaked! I don't remember that horn being so loud. So we ended up finishing feeding her on the main concourse area (inside the arena but outside of the main area). Then she crashed so we decided to hang out for a bit and watch some of the game on the in-arena TVs. We saw our friends Karen and Tim and they met Sofi for the first time. Then she woke up and was in a much better mood, but we weren't willing to risk it again, so we watched the rest of the game from outside.
I think we are going to try again next time with ear plugs, and knowing that she just might not make it the whole game.
When she's older and understands what all the screaming and horns are for, she won't mind so much!

On our way

Pre-game meal

Future Ice Girl? No way! Future hockey player!

Do you like my cool jersey?

Go Kings Go! (they won by the way!)

Family shot!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sofia is 24 weeks (well tomorrow!)

Those big green eyes!

She finds something quite hilarious

Just kickin' back

I got this sitting thing down...

Next up - standing - but for now we'll help her with that

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Heather's Birthday - happy bday to me!

Nel took this "self portrait" of he and Sofia this morning

Had a fun day! Nelson and Sofia came to work today so we could have lunch - we had Mexican food with our friend Stu who took the family pic below with his Iphone - Sofia was staring at either the dessert or the candle, not quite sure! Then for dinner we went to Benihana, Dad & Sue babysat Sofia. Ate too much as usual.

Family celebration

Sleepy after a hard day's lunch

Muggin' for the cam

"kissing"/eating my face!

My new favorite picture, look at that face! (and Sofia looks cute too - ha kidding!)

Lunch video #1

Lunch video #2
Dinner at my favorite place!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sofia gets to watch mommy play hockey!

Today I returned to the ice for the first time in over a year (since we found out I was pregnant with Sofia). I rejoined my former women's hockey team - The Orange Crush - and Nelson and Sofia, as well as the Grays and Patty & Dustin, came to cheer me on. We won the game 4-3! I got 1 assist and ALMOST scored. I am totally exhausted, not only have I not been doing much of any kind of exercise lately, but hockey definitely works certain muscles that have pretty much been unused since August of last year.
Fun day!

Fun at Lexie's 2nd Birthday Party

Two cute girls!

Watching the festivities with Daddy

Birthday girl!

Daddy crackin' her up, as usual

Chillin with GF/Uncle Jer

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sofia is 23 weeks old today!

Sitting up like a big girl! (I had my hand behind her in case she fell over but wasn't actually touching her, and she sat there for a good minute!)

Lately it's hard to get a picture without her hands in her mouth!


Still all cheeks
With Auntie Marsha

We had "cookie cake" to celebrate my bday and for some reason the singing and candle thing sort of freaked her out (It's hard to tell because the flash lit up the photo a lot but it was also dark) She didn't cry with screaming teens in the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland but my family singing Happy Birthday in the dark was scary!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Cute videos from this week

Finally another Sofi dancing video...this one's Addicted to Love

Having a grand old time on Nelson's shoulders and dancing to Billy Idol -
I love the fist pumps for "more more more"!

Mesmerized by the box

Cute pics from this week

Sofia loves to eat Jack in the Box - and I'm not talking an Ultimate Cheeseburger

Daddy is the most fun ride

Rambo? Or Jane Fonda?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sofia's First Kiss

Tonight we had dinner with Herb & Mer Gonzalez and their two boys Desi and Noah. I actually met Nelson there after work, and before I arrived Sofia was sitting in Noah's lap and reached up and stroked his face. Then later when we were leaving, Noah went to give her a kiss and she gave him a full open mouth kiss on the lips! What a saucy little girl! :) We don't have pics of the affection but here's a cut pic of the two of them:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Naked Baby!

Getting ready for her bath tonight - I just had to take a picture of that cute little butt...
She loves the bath! She loves it when we hold her belly facing down and kicks her legs. She is going to be a great little swimmer one day.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sofia is 22 weeks old today!

This is what her bib really said

This one I made for Rene, a quote he said about Sofia :)

Daddy and Sofia

Daddy's sunglasses = still too big