Sunday, February 28, 2010

Another funny nap

Sofia fell asleep sitting up in her crib again - I don't know how comfortable this could be!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Funday

Today was a fun, but fairly mellow day. Playgroup in the morning, and hanging out and playing after naptime. We watched Team USA beat Canada in hockey (yay!) and finally did some babyproofing.

Crawling around

Look Ma, No Hands

Standing around, cuz I can!

Cruising the wall

Baby jail = something to gnaw on

Silly little scrunchy face!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sofia is 46 weeks old today!

We went to see Abuelita this evening. She seems to be doing better. She was sitting up and eating, and told Nelson that she even went for a short walk. Speaking of walking, Sofia showed off her walking skills several times, once I counted 4 steps! Luckily everyone else got to see it too. But, dangit, no camera around!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Mama, er Sofi, needs a new pair of shoes

Sofia wore shoes for the first time to daycare today! Since the weather's getting better and they play outside, Lena wants her to have shoes for outside play. She's not quite sure what to make of them, she tried to get them off for a while. And when they are off her feet, she tries to eat them. But they do seem to make her a little more stable and balanced while walking.

"'Sup? You like my kicks?"

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sofia's First Step - today!

Sofia took her first step today. She was going from the ottoman to her activity table, and it was just far away enough that she needed to take one step without holding on to either. Yes I may have encouraged this by sliding the table just far enough away. But she took the bait! Stay tuned, hopefully soon we'll get pix or video.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sofia's First Valentine's Day!

Today was Sofia's first Valentine's day and boy was she all decked out - even had hearts on her socks! Didn't mean to take so many photos but she is just too darn cute. Photo gallery below.

Some of her latest favorite things to do are:
+ shrug her shoulders
+ lick her lips, suck on her top lip (and she's getting a terrible case of chapped lips because of it!)
+ Stand up by herself for several seconds at a time (this is now a daily occurrence)
+ Applaud for herself
+ Pull off her socks, a lot
+ EAT - the girl loves snacks, especially Puffs
+ She has sadly learned how to throw a temper tantrum. She plants herself face down and buried her head in the rug while screaming. Eeek. Luckily doesn't happen too often.
+ Definitely understanding words now, the other day Nelson told her to pick up her Frog and she went right for her Frog toy. Today I told her to "shake shake shake" and she picked up her little maraca toy and shook it. Lena says she has said "mama" and I think today she may have actually said it and meant it, because she looked right at me and held up her arms. So sweet. Then I pointed to Nelson and she said "dadada". So I think she finally grasps the concept at least of certain words.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sofia is 45 weeks old / Kings game

Tonight we went to the Kings game with the Lucas-Tinters. Sofia upheld her perfect record of 4-0 (yay Kings!) and shockingly stayed up the whole time. This was her first night game since game 1 which was a disaster, back in September. She loves the noises now. She was clapping and excited, the fans around us kept saying how cute she was. Harrison had fun too and to his father's horror, despite his Avalanche outfit, he cheered every time the Kings did something good. It was pretty funny, he even high fived other Kings fans. Pics & Sofi cheering video below.
And Sofia turned 45 weeks old today! I'm going to miss counting weeks :) If only to annoy my Facebook friends.

Though trying desperately, I couldn't get them both to look at the camera.

"Sorry Harrison, my team won!"


Visiting Abuelita

Nelson's Abuelita is sadly not in good health. She got out of the hospital last week, they discovered that she has cancer and at 102 years old, there isn't much they can do for her. But she's home and feeling a bit better each day. Several of Nelson's family members have come into town to see her, including his dad, who was planning to come out in April for Sofi's birthday, and will now stay from February until May. We went to visit, and also saw Claudia and her mom Laura, and Nelson's cousin Tamara and her husband Roberto and their daughter Sofia who is 2 years 2 months.

Nelson Sr. so happy to see his girls!

45 weeks old on the left, 102 years on the right!

Claudia is a great cousin!

Abuelita & two of her great grandkids

Sofia, Claudia & Sofia!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Playgroup & SuperBowl Sunday

We had a really busy weekend! Yesterday we took Sofia to an exciting Kings game (they won their 9th in a row!) and today we had playgroup with Mommy & Me friends at The Parks house, and a SuperBowl party at the Grays. Pics of playgroup below and one of Sofia & Lexie at the SuperBowl party. Thanks to Joanne for hosting playgroup and a delish lunch!

When we arrived, Griffin was still asleep so they all played with his fun toys

Got a half smile out of cutie Ben!

More group fun

Max LOVES the camera!

Max wants that toy!



Cole says "it's all good in the hood"

Ben & Sofia

Ha ha!

Griffin's awake!

Playing with BFF Alexis at the SuperBowl party