Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More pics from Dustin's party

Thanks to Leah for the pics!

Miss Serious

On the move

Let's play ball

Happy girl

Lexie is fun to hang out with

Sofia now gives kisses (usually open mouthed!)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sofia's Birthday Pictures

Here are the pictures from Sofia's Official First Birthday Photo Shoot. She was her usual hammy self, but actually was over it pretty quickly so it's amazing we got so many good shots. She was very interested in this cupcake thing, and wasn't quite sure just what to make of it!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sofia meets the Easter Bunny

Today was a very busy day as you can tell! After Dustin's party we headed over to the mall. Luckily there was no line for the easter bunny. Now, admittedly, human size rabbits are a little freaky. When we first walked up, she didn't cry, but she clung to me for dear life. She was like "hell no, I'm not getting near that thing". But a few minutes later, with the photo ladies distracting her with toys, we managed to get a shot where she actually looks happy to see him. Go figure! Santa he is not but in the end, I think she was OK with him.

Dustin's 5th Birthday party

Today was Dustin's party at a place called My Gym. We were a little late because it started during Sofia's nap, but got there in time to visit and play on a few of the smaller playsets.
Leah got some great pics with her camera of Sofia and Lexie kissing each other, so cute, I'll post when I get them.

Sofia and her godmother, Leah

Ready to play catch

Playgroup Birthday Celebration

Today we met up with our mommy & me group to celebrate the babies all turning 1! With our crazy schedules, we won't all be able to make each party, so we did a mini-party amongst ourselves. Sofia got some cool toys, a great outfit and Trumpette socks in the next size up (those are the best socks ever!!) Here are a few pics of her at playgroup:

I love her little bowlegged stance

I believe someone (accurately) called these her Michelin Man arms :)

Oooh presents!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sofia is 51 weeks old!

I took this from outside on the deck shooting into the living room

She loves to pull up the trim pieces of the alphabet mat in our living room and play with them (eat them mostly!)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lounging in her post-bath robe

We finally put Sofia in a robe after bath time, I think we waited too long it's a little small :) But cute! She was happy in that last pic, even though she looks a little pissed!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sofia is 50 weeks old today!

Today we went to "Picture People" to do her 1 year photos. We'll be posting those soon. In the meantime here are some photos from earlier in the day.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Too Young to Drive?

Playing around with Daddy, pretending to drive!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Movin' on the next size!

This weekend I went through all of the 12-18 months clothes in the garage as I'm getting ready to move her into the next size. Luckily between all of my friends with girl babies, I ended up with 3 packed laundry loads full of stuff. This is what it looks like!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sofia is 49 weeks old today!

We went to Palmdale to have dinner with my mom, aunt and uncle. Sofia showed off her walking skillz (and applauded for herself), terrorized their dog, and even showed off some of the sign language I've been teaching her. I've known about baby sign language for a while but haven't been consistent with it. I took at class at work on Wednesday, and since then I have been doing the signs for More, Milk, Mom and Dad pretty regularly. She is already doing "more" back to me, and whenever we sign Milk she gets really happy and starts looking around for her bottle.

Hangin' with Uncle Greggy

Dressed for bed, ready to take her toys home!