Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hockey on a Summer Night

Tonight we went to watch Patty & Jerry play their championship game at our local rink. Sofia got all bundled up. At first she was scared and didn't recognize them with their helmets on. But she warmed up. She even made some new friends at the rink who gave her some french fries - she seriously flirted to get those!

And they won!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Meeting Emma!

I couldn't wait for my scheduled visit next week to meet Emma, so I drove up today to see her. Nelson and Sofi stayed home. Emma is adorable! She is so tiny. I don't think Sofia was ever that tiny. I forgot how little they are. She slept a lot :) She liked the over the should position too, I think she must have slept for several hours in that position on me. I also spent some time playing with the boys including a trip to pick out toys -- and we took some Wyett family photos. Despite my sister's protests, I'm including one of the photos which was acceptable :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More pics of Emma!

Is she cute or what? And what a good big sister and big brothers she has!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Baby Emma Arrives!

After about 17 hours of labor, Holli gave birth to Emma Leigh Eve today! What a long day of waiting for us all, but she's here. Born at 4:27pm weighing 8 lbs 4 oz and 20 1/2" long. Here's the beautiful girl!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Playing at the Mall & Swimming

Last weekend with Sofia not feeling well, and yesterday being a pretty mellow day, today we felt like we really wanted to get out of the house. Right at 10am when we leave for swim lessons they called - cancelled! So we headed to the mall to play in one of the indoor playgrounds they have. The mall was just opening so it was very quiet. Sofia once again tried to hug another little girl, she is just so lovable. But the other little girl shrieked and ran away. Then a second little girl had a sippy of juice and Sofia tried to take it :) This little girl was probably 4 and she screamed like Sofia stabbed her! Then later after Sofia was over it and had forgotten about the juice, this little girl came back over and shook the sippy in Sofia's face like "you can't have it" then ran away. I don't think Sofia got what she was doing, but I did, and so did her parents, who scolded her. I guess it's all part of learning life lessons - personal space ie some people don't like hugs, we can't have things that belongs to others, and some other kids are little brats :)

Then after naptime we went to swim with P&J at Patty's mom's house. The pool felt great and we did some of her swim class activities like Humpty Dumpty, Tick Tock, and swimming underwater. She still loves to drink the pool water instead of close her mouth! She actually jumped off the diving board - twice! OK not jumped, Nelson walked her to the edge and dropped her in while i caught her in the water. She seemed to really like it!

Another weekend flying by...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Master Bedroom Addition - plans

We've been thinking ever since we knew baby #2 was coming that we really need 1 more bedroom, and frankly we need a bigger master bedroom for us! Our room it too small for the King bed we've always dreamed of, and the closet is so small that Nelson has to put his clothes in the spare room closet. So we finally met with an architect to draw up plans, which we looked at today and made only minimal changes too. Once the plans are approved by the city, we'll get bids and decide if we can afford to pull the trigger. Most likely Nelson will act as contractor and sub-contract each part of the job out, doing as much as he can himself. Luckily we know a few contractors, and a few specialists like an electrician and AC guy. We'll be looking for leads on a foundation/concrete person, framer, roofer and stucco-er. :)

Basically we'll continue the hallway through our current room and make that Baby #2's room (which will end up being basically the same size as Sofia's) and our new room will extend into the backyard and actually butt up against the deck. We're even adding a door from our room out onto the deck.

We're really excited and hope it works out. The clock is ticking, I've been telling people I want to have it done by Christmas to have 6 weeks to set up the baby's room and set up our new room. To which most people have said "yeah good luck!" Have some faith people, it's Madam Spreadsheet talking here!

Click on either photo to enlarge.

Addition plan - full house layout

Our new bedroom - close-up

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lunch Time leads to Bath Time

The more Sofia wants to feed herself, the messier meals become, especially when it's pasta! Today it was ravioletti (mini raviolis) with broccoli & cheese and blueberries.
Key #1: remove all clothing and don't bother with a bib!

Key #2 - dump her right in thebath!

Key #3: hose her down!

This is her "wiping" her own face, more like sucking all the water out of her washcloth

Saturday, August 14, 2010

An Artist Like Daddy

Sofia came down with a cold yesterday so instead of going to the zoo today, we spent a mellow day at home. After dinner it was nice outside so she played on the deck with her water table, then decided to draw with Daddy. She likes to draw but she also likes to have whatever crayon someone else is drawing with!

I'll take that Red Crayon

She took my Crayon!

Eventually, peace

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Big Sister to Be

This was how we announced baby #2 to my family (2 months ago):

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baby #2 is on the way

Well now that we are officially through our first trimester, it's time to announce that Baby #2 is on the way! Due February 16, 2011. We hope to find out the sex of the baby next month!
Here are our first couple of ultrasounds:

7/14/10 First ultrasound - we could see the nice strong heartbeat flickering. Doctor says that little circle to the right is the "egg sack".

July 19th, 2010 - Upside Down baby!

August 2 - finally starting to look like a baby! This was during my first trimester "NT screening" (tests for Down's Syndrome - all tests good/negative)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Grandma Sara's Birthday

Tonight we took Sara, Nel's mom, out to dinner for her birthday to Mandarin Tiger, which is a Chinese restaurant that their family has been going to for years. Great food and reasonable prices, large portions. The decor is kind of retro, it looks like something from the 70s. Sofia chowed down on fried rice. They actually had a real high chair there, which is a first for us. Good times!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mom's Group at the Park

Today we met the mom's group at a park in Glendale then headed back to Joanne's for some dinner and playtime. Here are the pics from the park:

Climbing up the slide the wrong way with Cole

Kisses from Griffin

Hugs & Kisses for Max (who looks thrilled!)

Sliding with Griffin

Playing with Max's ball

A new puppy friend