Sunday, November 27, 2011
Cian's 4th Birthday
Cian's party was at a jumpee place in Orange County. The whole Circle was there so Sofia was stoked to see all her friends again so soon. They ran around like crazies for 2 hours. Gabby went down the slide a few times with Daddy and wasn't that impressed :) Got the obligatory group photo where you can never get all the kids to sit still. Sofia enjoyed cupcakes! When we got home, she played withher new Playdoh (new obsession and man is it messy) and she played with her new Baby Belle doll which came with a matching dress for her. Super cute. She is an awesome princess. I can't believe how fast this weekend flew by!

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Circle of Love Christmas
We had our yearly Circle of Love dinner and present swap. The Korts hosted. It was a lot of fun. Sofia was really excited to play with all of her "cousins" - she loves chasing them around and trying to be a "big kid" and for the most part they humor her and let her tag along. She loved her presents. Gabby was just like "what's going on?" but was her usual sweet self! We got a nice family photo and the traditional "all the kids" pic too.

Riding Wagons Too!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Riding Bikes N Buggies
Tonight we took a walk around the neighborhood with Sofia on her bike (she is pedaling more now and can propel herself quite a bit) and put Gabby in the push buggy which she loved. She kept kicking up her legs and throwing up her arms like "wheeeee". It was super cute. I realized doing the side by side shot that Sofia was over a year old when we got the buggy, so her first ride was when she was 4 months older than Gabby is now.

Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
We had a great Thanksgiving - Gabby's first. We went to Papa Steve & Grammy Sue's for delicious turkey and all the fixins. Gabby even had turkey and cranberry puree too! She also sat in her high chair for the first time. At home we've been using the clip on to the table seat. She really liked it, and dropped less food! Sofia ate a ton, she loved everything, especially the olives and of course apple pie. She was very sociable and played with Uncle Bob and Auntie Mary, and played Grammy Sue's guitar. She loved looking out the window at their dog but kept asking where is the doggy's mama? Is she at work? (ouch!) Gabby was her usual sweet and laid back self, much more vocal than the last time she saw her grandparents. She does a lot of mimicking which is very cute to watch. She did miss her evening nap so she was ready to crash by 8pm.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
She Wears Short Shorts
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Ta Da...Cuteness is Here!
Fun but mellow rainy day....Gabby wore a cute onesie that I remembered Sofia wearing so I whipped out another baby comparison shot. We also pulled out the activity stand, and Gabby can stand and play for a while (thought wobbly) -- and Sofia thinks it's pretty fun too!
Gabby's gums are starting to swell up and she's started drooling so I have a feeling teeth will be here soon!

Gabby's gums are starting to swell up and she's started drooling so I have a feeling teeth will be here soon!

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Lil Sister...Big Trouble
No Gabby isn't any trouble at all...she just wore a really cute shirt today that said "Lil Sister - I may be small but I can be big trouble". We have noticed a lot of growth in her lately (skill-wise). She is eating a lot more and we gave her the first finger food this weekend - Puffs. She has no teeth but she really seemed to like gumming them. Plus it's great practice to pick up small objects and try to get them in her mouth. She is definitely more vocal in the past two weeks - mama, dada, and just shrieking and laughing a lot. She even waves bye bye occassionally. We are trying to teach her the signs for "milk" and "more". She has been practicing standing more holding onto the couch or the ottoman. She gets really excited like she likes the view and is super proud of herself. She definitely has "mamitis" as Nelson calls it - real mama's girl - separation anxiety is pretty common at this age. She is still a fantastic sleeper, and sleeps through Sofia's middle of the night antics which aren't regular but every so often...Sofia has also been coming into our room from time to time usually around 5am and wants to sleep in our bed. Sometimes it's easier not to argue, we need our sleep too! :) We have found that when she naps during the day, she plays in bed at night for a couple of hours before she goes to bed and doesn't always sleep through the night. The other night I went in around 10pm because she wasn't asleep yet and found she has eaten a black crayon. There were crayon crumbs everywhere - face, hands, PJs, sheets and ground into her teeth! Luckily crayons are non toxic but ew gross right? So the moral of the story is even though we have her lie down and have quiet time during nap time, some times she sleeps and sometimes she doesn't. But if she doesn't she always sleeps better that night.
Here are some cute pics from today - just hanging out!

Here are some cute pics from today - just hanging out!
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