Tuesday, July 31, 2012

More July Moments

Gabby's new toothbrush

Sofia loves bubbles

But she loves chocolate more :)

My little girl!

Practicing...for now!

Super cool chick

J-E-L-L-O (looks more like a horror movie!)

With my big girl!

Ready to cruise

Evening walks are the best!

Water table on a hot summer day
hard to see in this pic but Lena does the cutest braids in her hair

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Swim Time with Pals

Sofia had a fun playdate today with Max, Jenna and Cole at Max's house to swim. Can't believe these kids have been having playdates since they were 6 weeks old! I love that we've stayed connected.
Sofia loves to swim too - so she was stoked.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Zoo with Friends

Had a super fun day at the LA Zoo today with Leah, Josh & Lexie! Lots of walking, Sofia really loves animals and she loves being with her friends even more. We picked up a yearly family pass too so we can go again soon.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cousin Time!

Today we drove up to central California to see the Wyetts. It was a long day but very fun, the girls had so much fun playing with their cousins! They played outside, swam, watched movies, and Sofia tried all kinds of healthy fruits & snacks because the boys were eating them. (Bonus!)

All 6 cousins! Best one we could get :)


Monday, July 23, 2012

Gabby Cleans House

You make the mess, you clean it up - LOL!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Swim, Play & Hug

Sweet Hallelujah, Gabby finally likes swim class. It's like she's a different kid. She laughed the whole time, went to the teacher, it's awesome!

You know who else she also loves, her Daddy!