Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012!

We had a really fun Halloween! The girls dressed up for daycare.  
Then when it got dark we went trick or treating and met up with the Elliotts.  Gabby was a little unsure at first. Sofia loved it. Couldn't wait for each new house.  Then when we got home she had so much fun handing out candy.  She was standing on the porch literally yelling "hey guys come to my house I got candy!" It was hysterical.  She is so social and LOVES people so much.
The only not great part was that Gabby bailed walking down the street and since she was holding her candy bag, she didn't break her fall with her hands, she broke it with her face.  She seemed OK but when we got her home we realized she had scraped up her nose.  She is OK not too bothered by it.
Overall a really fun time!

Her Buddy Dustin

The Elliott & Serrano Kiddoes

This is from the morning, their "ready for daycare" pics

Saturday, October 27, 2012

More FUN this week

This week was a typical week with work, daycare, and trying to fit in as much fun family time as possible - got a few fun pics during the week, then today we went to Sasha's 6th birthday party at a bounce house place. The girls ran around like crazy and had a blast.

Overall update:
SOFIA - is definite Miss Social, loves other kids especially big kids because she feels so grown up playing with them. But she also loves her little sister and yes bosses her around a bit but it's getting to the point where they can play together which is really great.  They definitely push each others buttons (and literally push each other at times). Sofia is a girly girl and insists on wearing a dress every day which during the summer was OK with a little pair of shorts under it, but it's getting cold so we're having the pants/tights fight every day.  She's not really a morning person. The biggest battle is bedtime, she says she is afraid of being alone at night so most nights it takes us an hour (or two) to put her down. It doesn't help that she naps at daycare, so she isn't very tired, and on the weekends she doesn't so she'll go down faster.
It's funny to watch her listen to Gabby and to her dolls, the way she orders them around makes me think she is copying me which is not the most flattering thing ever :) but it's a good "mirror" to watch myself a little more.
She is a little fish.  She graduated earlier in the week from her second level swim class, and she starts her new class next week where the average age is 5 1/2 and she's only 3 1/2. She can pretty much swim from one end of the pool to the other.
Sofia's favorites are still Disney Princesses, Strawberry Shortcake, Dora, plus she loves other Disney movies like Peter Pan, and she recently has started really liking Wizard of Oz and wants to be Dorothy for Halloween.
She is starting to help with basic household chores like putting laundry in the washing machine, clearing the table of dishes, and cleaning of her room/the playroom.

GABBY - starting to talk so much. It's super cute. She insists on picking out her own clothes in the morning which Sofia never did at this age.  We are starting to talk about potty training, she tells me when she goes "poo poo" in her diaper which is a start.  We'd like to get her potty trained earlier than Sofia - we waited with Sofia because Gabby was born right around the time we would have started.
Based on her measurements, it seems that Gabby is going to be taller than Sofia. She is about 2 inches taller than Sofia at this age.
She loves to watch shows with Sofia but always tries to convince Sofia to pick Super Why ("WHY!!") She just loves to eat more than anything else, she wakes up saying "nack" for "Snack".
She also loves to brush her teeth, both girls do, which is great!
Gabby is going to be a bumblebee for Halloween. She doesn't get what's going on but I'm sure she will be stoked to get some candy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sofia's new Dream Lite

Sofia got an early Christmas present from Grandma Patti - a new dream lite (it's actually a twilight ladybug but they are very similar). She's been going through a scared of the dark phase - I think it's more like I don't wanna go to sleep phase, so we're hoping this helps!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sofia graduates Swim Class

Sofia graduated into the next swim level today! She is such a little fish, the next class up is average age 5 1/2 and she's only 3 1/2. She is going to miss Omar, he was such a great teacher, and he doesn't have any classes at her next level.
We all went to cheer her on and see her ring that bell!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

Now that we got some pumpkins, today it was time to carve and decorate!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

We had a great time at Lombardi Ranch with the Grays picking out pumpkins, riding the horse carriage and getting faces painted!