Monday, August 31, 2009

Grabbin her Toes....

She pretty much loves her feet at this point. It's like she discovered a new toy!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sofia is 21 weeks old!

I kind of slacked in the photo department this weekend - but here are two pics of Sofia at 21 weeks!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Activity Center + Video

This week we have been pulling out the fun new toys that she needed to be a bit bigger it was the activity center. She seemed to enjoy checking it out, and as she learns that she can spin around and grab all of the toys, I'm sure it will be even more fun for her.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fun Pix From Today

Wearing Daddy's glasses - silly girl

Peekin' thru her crib

Wonder what she's thinkin'...

Bath Time!

Ah the taste of bath water...

Sofia Rollin' Over

As of yesterday she can now also roll over from back to front. She was already over on her side by the time Nel got the camera but the "hard part" was captured :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First time in the Jumpy

Today we tried the Jumpy (contraption that clamps onto a door jam and the seat hangs down, the babies can jump/bounce in it) When I was a kid it was called a Johnny Jump Up. Not sure if that's a brand name - ours is "Sassy". She seemed to like it, at first she just sat in it, then Nelson bounced her a couple times and she realized she could do that, so she smiled. Then she realized she could suck on the seat part. Hmmmm...yummy...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Visit with Abuelita & Tias

Today Nelson took Sofi to Silverlake to visit with Abuelita, Tia Isabel and Tia Ani.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sofia's First trip to Disneyland

Today was Sofia's first trip to Disneyland. We joined my college friend Andrew Winger, his wife Bridget and their daughter Ellie (who is three weeks younger than Sofia) for a fun, hot day at the Happiest Place on Earth. Sofia was really good, she liked checking everything out. We went on several rides and she was wide eyed and into it. Even some of the rides which I would have never thought to take a baby on, she was so good on. We went on: The Carousel, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, Pinocchio, Pirates, Haunted Mansion, and Jungle Cruise. We also checked out Toon Town and met Mickey. I was also impressed at the Baby Center there, which I never knew existed. They had a private room for nursing, a nice baby changing room, and someplace cool to get away from the madness of D-land. Great day, great fun. Yay!

Kisses for Sofia as we started our day

Riding a pony!

On Pinocchio, it was so cute how she gripped the lap bar.

Hello Mr. Toad!

On the Jungle Cruise

Waiting to see Captain Jack Sparrow

Sofia's new hat!

Family shot!

Meeting Mickey


Heading home - she enjoyed her 1st Visit!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sofia with her Cousins & Auntie Holli

Today we went up to Palmdale because Holli, James and the kids were in town to see Uncle Greggy (Mom & Auntie are on a road trip to Marin) All 3 of Sofi's cousins are crazy about her and want to hold her and kiss her, and she went to each of them happily. Also of course to her Auntie Holli, who is practicing for her weekend watching Sofi next month. Fun day!

Ben & Sofi

Kisses for Sofi

Bradley & Benjamin (yeah Sofi does look a little scared)

Savanna, Brad & Sofi

With Auntie Holli

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sofia at Daddy's Hockey Game

Sadly Nelson's team was eliminated but we had fun, and she hung out with the team in the locker room and for pizza after in the restaurant
Photo by Auntie Anna

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pix Messages to Brighten my Day

Sometimes Nelson will take a pic with his cell phone and send me a "pix message" at work - usually with a cute text like "miss you mommy" or "we love you" - these are two cute ones I got this week:

"luv u!"

"sleepy baby"

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sofia is 19 weeks old today!

Her latest favorite things to do are: drool, blow raspberries with extra spit, grab her feet, suck on her fingers (or occasionally an entire fist), and just be adorable!

Thursday, August 13, 2009