Tuesday, April 6, 2010

1 Year Doctor's Checkup

Today we went for Sofia's 1 year checkup with Dr. Stone. She is doing great and hitting all of her developmental milestones. She is now 29 1/4 inch and 22 lbs 4 oz - she is in the 74th percentile.

The doctor agreed that the top teeth should be breaking through any day now. Major swollen gums.

She had to get 4 shots (boo!) but even though she cried, she was OK afterwards and didn't seem too grumpy the rest of the day -- Nelson stayed home with her.

Next appointment isn't until 18 months!

1 year is a milestone for other reasons too - she can now drink regular milk instead of formula (she doesn't quite like it yet though so we're mixing the two). She can try some new foods like whole eggs, peanut butter and honey. We can also move her forward facing in the car seat - which we will do this weekend. Lots of changes!

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