Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sofia's First Trip to the Aquarium

Today was Sofia's first trip the aquarium. We went down to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach and met Sofi's friend Ben (and his parents Sarah & Loren). She was very interested in looking at the fish, but was a little hesitant to get too close to the glass. She liked the outside part because she could run around a lot. There were a few pools where the kids can touch the fish in there (baby sharks and sting rays) . She was more interesting in looking than touching.
Here are the pics!

Obligatory "photo when you enter" but it was cute. I like how they added turtles in our hands!

Looking at the seals
(the seals at that moment were getting frisky, I'll save you from that photo)

At the playground, ya know

Riding a very big fish

Fish everywhere, even on the ground!

Checking out a (fake) crab

This was the baby shark petting pool. Say what now?!

She was very intrigued but not putting her hand in there. I touched one, it freaked me out.

That's the big shark "pool" behind her, no petting those!

Loren, Ben, Nel & Sofi at the stingray pool

They were coming up out of the water, almost waving their fins at us

Stopping for a snack outside the bird exhibit

Ben & Sofi

Time to say bye bye!

Heading out - it's nap time!

In the cool "submarine" elevator

A cute print we had made there for only $2!

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