Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gabby is 18 months old!

Gabby is 18 months old today - and here's all about HER!

She is talking so much now, she's very very vocal, probably because she has to compete with a very vocal sister :) She says mama, daddy, Fia (Sofia), water, more, snack, milk, cheese, racker (for cracker), please, shoes, hi, bye bye, all gone/all done, NO (popular one), Rama (for Grandma), papa (for grandpa), some variation of Claudia, baby, me, she has a word for dog (wow wow) which she says whenever she sees a dog or hears a dog bark - I think she thinks that is what the dog sounds like. She also calls other animals wow wow too.

She definitely understands a lot of things that she can't quite vocalize yet - she will go get something when I tell her too, she runs to the bathroom when I say "time to brush your teeth", she will say pee pee or poopoo when she has some in her diaper or when she is in the bathroom with someone who is going (and she'll wave goodbye to it) and yes sometimes it's easier to let her come to the bathroom then let her get all upset because we try to close the door :)

At her 18 months appointment she weighed 27 lbs (75th percentile) and was 33.5 inches (90+ percentile) so she's 1 pound lighter and 2 inches taller than Sofia at this age.  She is now wearing her 24 months clothes and should be ready for a size 5 shoe soon.

She wants everything that Sofia has. Which can be a challenge at time. I've had to learn to start getting 2 of certain things, or making sure I don't offer Sofia something we only have one of (in terms of food).

She is not terribly interested in TV when Sofia's watching it except when music is on, then she dances, or SuperWhy (she yells WHY at the TV).

She can be the aggressor with Sofia sometimes, taking stuff from her or pushing her, and Sofia doesn't really fight back much (which I guess is good?) but she gets really upset, so we try to use it as a time to tell her to use her word and tell Gabby please don't do that, and that it hurts or she doesn't like it.  Sofia still tries to hug and squeeze Gabby a lot, which Gabby doesn't truly appreciate!

She loves taking walks - and tearing off down the street by herself. She is very social and waves and says hi to everyone we see.  She is skeptical of other people's pets up close but likes them from far away.

She is still a very good sleeper except when she's sick.  She does 1 afternoon nap and sleeps from 8:30pm to around 7am (though over time that's been creeping up a little before 7am - me no likey).

She is definitely a mama's girl - and in the separation anxiety phase, but I think having a sister helps because when we leave her with Grandma Sara or even when I leave her with Nelson, Sofia is usually with her and she's much better now about not being upset, so I think that helps Gabby.

She is just adorable, and her face lights up a whole room.  So in a nutshell, she is beautiful, smart, funny and perfect!

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