Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012!

We had a really fun Halloween! The girls dressed up for daycare.  
Then when it got dark we went trick or treating and met up with the Elliotts.  Gabby was a little unsure at first. Sofia loved it. Couldn't wait for each new house.  Then when we got home she had so much fun handing out candy.  She was standing on the porch literally yelling "hey guys come to my house I got candy!" It was hysterical.  She is so social and LOVES people so much.
The only not great part was that Gabby bailed walking down the street and since she was holding her candy bag, she didn't break her fall with her hands, she broke it with her face.  She seemed OK but when we got her home we realized she had scraped up her nose.  She is OK not too bothered by it.
Overall a really fun time!

Her Buddy Dustin

The Elliott & Serrano Kiddoes

This is from the morning, their "ready for daycare" pics

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