Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sofia is 30 weeks old - Halloween Collage!

Sofia's First Halloween!

Today was a really fun day. Mom & Auntie came over for dinner and then we too Sofia trick or treating. Up and back on our block was plenty :) We also met up with friends - River who lives across the street and is 2 months younger than Sofia, and Patty and Dustin. Tons of great pics from today!

This was too funny not to post. She was super excited about something!

Funny pic #2 - Nelson was kicking up her legs and she was like "what the ----?"

Costume #3 - Baby Witch

She is definitely a good witch!

River was Snow White

She likes Dustin

And Dustin likes her!

Another silly picture!

Patty, Dustin and Sofia

Special mention to costume #4 which she didn't get to wear out but still adorable - Monkey!

Also worthy to note today is that she sat up from a laying position all by herself - 3 times in a row. She's got really good core strength, I guess from all those baby sit ups we have been doing since she was weeks old :) You'd think she would have a six-pack!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Sofia Dresses up for Daycare!

Today was Sofia's first full day at daycare - rounding out our trial week. She seems to be enjoying and behaving herself! She was a butterfly for today's daycare parade. Waiting for the daycare to send me pics of her...below are some we took at home with her outfit on.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sofia Dresses up for Kindermusik Class!

Today was Sofi & Nel's last Kindermusik class together - he goes back to work next week. The babies dressed up. This is costume #1 of several! :)

We've also been doing a trial run at daycare this week, a couple of hours a day, building up to a full day tomorrow! She seems to be taking to Eleanor & Peter very well, and is fascinated by all the bigger kids. Next week another baby starts too, about her age, so that will be fun for her to have a friend!

This week her movement has really picked up, on Monday morning when we went into her room when she woke up, she was sitting up! I noticed tonight that she does it by leaning to one side and then pushing herself into a sitting position. So the crib went DOWN one position! :) She is also pushing up even more on all fours, and doing the tiniest bit of scootching (on her belly) if she is trying to get a toy she wants. She also loves to hold herself up in a standing position holdingon to our headboard (which is wrought iron so she holds on like handlebars).

This crazy lady is going to be on the move way too soon!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sasha's Party & Pumpkin Carving

Today was another fun but busy day! Grandma and Auntie Marsha stopped by for a quick lunch, then it was off to Sasha's 3rd birthday party. Sofi was her smiley self. Even managed to fall asleep in my arms with all the noise going on around us. Then we carved our pumpkin, well Sofia watched for a little bit, played with her mini pumpkins, felt a big hunk of pumpkin that we scooped out, then she was over it. Hopefully next year she will be interested in the actual carving part!

The "Pebbles" look was a short lived attempt to keep her crazy hair at bay

She liked the balloons!

I love, love, love this picture! My Happy Girl

Baby Elvis

Nice bloomers

"Isn't this what I had for lunch?" (actually it was!)

This feels weird!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fun at the Pumpkin Patch

On our way to the pumpkin patch! Lombardi Ranch in Santa Clarita

Our Lil Pumpkin

Daddy & Sofi

With OG

Playing with OG

She loves kisses

Ooooh look at that!

Pile o mini-punkins

Whatchu look at?

With GF and Daddy in the SLAMMER!

With mommy

On our way home!

Josh's Batman Birthday Party

Today we went to Josh's 5th birthday party and saw a lot of friends including Leah and Mike's families.

Always with the fingers in the mouth :)

Happy and Happier!

Fun in the giant bouncy house with mommy

Wearing her Batgirl cape

With Auntie Anna