Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sofia's First Halloween!

Today was a really fun day. Mom & Auntie came over for dinner and then we too Sofia trick or treating. Up and back on our block was plenty :) We also met up with friends - River who lives across the street and is 2 months younger than Sofia, and Patty and Dustin. Tons of great pics from today!

This was too funny not to post. She was super excited about something!

Funny pic #2 - Nelson was kicking up her legs and she was like "what the ----?"

Costume #3 - Baby Witch

She is definitely a good witch!

River was Snow White

She likes Dustin

And Dustin likes her!

Another silly picture!

Patty, Dustin and Sofia

Special mention to costume #4 which she didn't get to wear out but still adorable - Monkey!

Also worthy to note today is that she sat up from a laying position all by herself - 3 times in a row. She's got really good core strength, I guess from all those baby sit ups we have been doing since she was weeks old :) You'd think she would have a six-pack!

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