Today was our yearly Christmas celebration with the Circle of Love - the Grays, The Korts, the Elliotts, the Ikedas and Glenn. We always seem to have it right after Thanksgiving because December is so busy. We had a great dinner at the Korts, and watched all of the kids open their presents. Sofia had fun opening her gifts and got some great stuff. She also got to partake for the first time in the "all kids" photo. Pics below:

Alexis & Sofia = BFF

How sweet are these two

Too much love? ;)

oooh wrapping paper

Starting to crawl

Playing with D

Good Night Moon tastes good!

Go Kings!

OG holding Sofia - ready for the pic!

This was the best one I got, I will post others from the rest of the paparazzi once I get them.
From L: Conall, Cian, Sasha, Dustin, Alexis, Josh, Olivia and Sofi
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