Saturday, June 19, 2010

Disneyland - Trip #3

We decided to go to Disneyland to celebrate our 5th Anniversary and to hang out with our friends, The Lucas-Tinters. We also went to California Adventure. It was a warm day, and busy. I must be getting old because I don't know how people stay til closing, we left by 7pm! So much walking, and I'm pooped. Didn't help that Sofia only napped 30 minutes all day. She crashed as soon as we got in the car. But it was fun! One crazy part was somehow between 11:30 and noon Sofia lost one of her shoes. So after that point, there was no more walking around for her. Couldn't find any shoes her size in all of Disneyland to get her a new pair.

Sofia and Mommy on the Carousel

Daddy & Sofia are Toy Story dolls

Getting ready for the ferris wheel

She loved it!

Walking (pre-shoe fiasco)

Hugs from Harrison

She wanted nothing to do with Pluto

She loved the Playhouse Disney live show. She danced and clapped the whole time.

On the Jungle Cruise

Funny face - in line for Pirates

On the ride (I snuck 2 pics) she liked it again

Playing in Toon Town

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