Saturday, February 26, 2011

Family Portraits

Today we went and got family portraits at The Picture People - I think they turned out great!

Busy Saturday so far!

Sofia and Daddy with their matching Oakley sunglasses:

Little Sister Ready to Go!

Smilin' in her sleep

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

I love to watch Gabby sleep. She is just the cutest little munchkin!

"No more photos Mom!"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gabby - Newborn Collage

The best pics from Gabby's first week!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lexie Loves Gabby

Leah and Lexie stopped by today to see Gabby and Lexie really liked her. She did a great job holding her too.

Gabby is 2 weeks old today!

Gabby at 2 weeks old - still sleeps a lot. Eating every 3 hours and sleeps for 3-4 hours at a time at night. More alert time during the day, likes to look around. Lest you think we have it too easy, she is finding her voice and can be very vocal when she is hungry or gassy. Starting to attempt to hold her head up for a few seconds at a time. Umbilical cord fell off on day 11 so she now has a cute belly button. Overall just a very sweet and mellow baby!

Sofia likes to kiss Gabby (and me and Nelson) right smack on the lips!

Hugs too! Gabby is super impressed as you can tell by the spit bubble :)

Pondering whilst sleeping

Funny baby spazz arm while sleeping

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Abuela Sara Visits Gabby

Nelson's mom stopped by to see Gabby for the second time and we got pics this time!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Wyetts Meet Gabby

Today the Wyetts came to visit and meet Gabriella (except for Brad & Ben). She slept most of the day, as is her norm. Miss Emma however refused to nap but was still cute as can be. Thanks Wyetts for a great dinner and visit!

Sleepin is fun!

Savanna with her littlest cousin

Kisses from Auntie Holli

With Uncle James

Emma is a baby burrito!

Sweet Miss Emma

Sofia & Emma

The 4 girl cousins

Savanna with the two little ones

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a great Valentine's Day - Nelson bought me flowers. Gabby had her first check-up, she is back up to her birth weight and progressing wonderfully. Nelson and I had a nice lunch out, and then we took Sofia to her swim lesson. Great family day!

My 3 Valentines!

A special Happy Valentine's Day to Nelson, a wonderful husband and father. I made this frame and selected photos of us over the years to fill out the letters. Love you babe!
(click to enlarge)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Many Faces of Sofia

This is Sofia just being her silly wonderful self today!

Oh this face kills me!

Funny girl

Using The Force (watching the new VW commercial where a little boy dressed as Darth Vader tries to use The Force on household items)

Super cool chick

She loves Mexican food! (she actually drank salsa, yum)

Visit from Tias & Abuelita

Today Abuelita, Tia Ani and Tia Isabel stopped by to meet Gabby and see Sofia!

Ages: 103; 4 days old!

Kisses for Gabby

Abuelita loved Sofia's chair!