Went to bed around midnight last night and couldn’t really get comfortable. Had a few contractions and thought maybe this is it? So around 1am started to track them, after about 3 came 5-6 minutes apart I woke up Nelson and asked if he thought we should go in to Kaiser. I called Labor & Delivery and they recommended it, so Nelson called his mom to come over and stay with Sofia. In the time it took them to get there, the contractions moved to 3 minutes apart. I was freaking out, I need an epidural! We got to Kaiser around 2:30 am and got put right into a delivery room. The doctor checked me and I was 2 centimeters. I got my IV in and finally the epidural (took much longer than last time!) Contractions stalled out for a couple of hours between 6 to 8am so they gave me some pitocin and right away I could feel them (even with the epidural) and the pressure was very low down. The doctor came and checked me and I was fully dilated. The staff got set up and 4 pushes later Gabriella was here! Born at 9:35am and weighing 8 lbs 12 oz, she is 20 inches long. She seems longer and leaner than Sofia but has a lot of similar characteristics – the dark hair, the lips, the forehead, the funny little baby faces. It was a long day but a great one - here are some pics!

(didn't get pics yet with Grammy Sue, Grandma Sara, Patty or Uncle Jer)
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