Sofia (27 months) - little miss talker, little miss independent. Terrible 2's have hit! She is a total mama's girl right now. She loves princesses and wearing dresses so I've started putting her in sundresses for daycare. (It's been super hot here anyway) She is wearing pull-ups full time and goes pee pee in the potty several times a day, when prompted. She has gone poo poo two times this week in the potty, so making progress there! Nelson said he say her try to get our of her crib this morning, so we may have to convert to a toddler bed sooner than later. She loves singing and has great pitch (Grammy Sue concurs). She knows some of the words to a lot of songs now, and I can almost always tell what she's singing by the melody even if I don't quite catch the words. She still loves swim class and her teacher Madison. Every morning on the way to daycare she says she hopes Lena makes waffles! Girl loves food like her mom and dad. Loves to hug and kiss Gabby too.
Gabby (5 months) - still the sweetest little soul. Trying really hard to sit up. Legs are getting stronger when you hold her up. No rolling over yet but great at tummy time, lifting her head pretty much up to 90 degrees. Now on 2 and a half naps a day - last nap has been getting cut short which is good because it's pretty close to bedtime. Drooling more now and trying to chew on things. Love music. Laughs out loud. Eyes seem to be changing to hazel and hair is starting to grow in lighter - brown with some red in it. Still in size 3-6 months and size 2 diapers. Taking most of her naps in her crib now. Woo hoo! Is on a 4 hour schedule (4 hours between feedings) and eating 8+ oz at a time. I'm still pumping at work but shockingly our supply is dwindling. My goal is to get her to 7 months/starting daycare before starting to supplement with formula.
Here are some pics from this morning:
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