Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

Today we mostly relaxed and enjoyed the extra day off (though both Nel & I are exhausted from our workouts! We really picked it up today - Nel finished P90x, did a marathon training run and started Insanity. I started the advanced portion of TurboFire. We managed to take a walk, give Sofia a mani/pedi, and watch a couple of movies as well.
Gabby is definitely more active this past week or so, we should call her Grabby because anything she can get her hands near, she's got and in the mouth it goes. But she is so cute and smiley, I just love this age!
Sofia is really into being a princess - after her nails she made us give her a dress to wear and put her hair in a "princess ponytail". She also loves her some Ariel. Lexie is having a Little Mermaid party in 2 weeks and Sofia is already saying "my Ariel" oh boy!

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