Sofia is the biggest character you will ever meet! She is so full of life. And boy does she talk talk talk!! She says the funniest things. The other day she asked for a snack and it was almost dinner and she wanted a snack, so I said no. She replied "how dare you!" She says "you can't do it" when there's something she doesn't like and "you can" when it's something she wants you to do. And she loves to walk around and quote Star Wars - especially telling her babies "I am your father!" a la Vader. She talks to Gabby just like me - "Hi Gabs" "you so cute" and when Gabby cries "It's alright Gabbers, you alright, I here" She loves her sister and hugs and kisses her all the time (hence no escaping them both getting sick) She definitely is a mama's girl. She loves to go get frozen yogurt or go with me to the store - grocery or Target. She loves to ride in elevators and always tells the doors "Abre" (open in Spanish) like she learned on Dora. She will put her hands on either side of my face and say "you so cute" or "Mama you beautiful". She loves kisses and hugs. She is such a people person, she goes crazy when her friends or cousins are around. She is a social butterfly. She is resisting the afternoon nap big time and sometimes we'll go in there after 2 hours of "nap" and find that she has dragged every toy in her room onto her bed. When she doesn't want to nap or go to sleep she says "Mom it's not dark here" because she equates darkness with bedtime. She loves Disney Princesses especially Ariel and most Disney movies in fact. Her favorite shows are currently Clifford, Olivia and Team Umizoomi though she still watches some Dora, Sesame Street and SpongeBob. She has a separate playlist on my iPod so when we are in my car, she always wants to hear her songs. The first song is "Barbie Girl" by Aqua so she say "Mama you have Barbie Girls?" whenever we get in the car.
She is 2 so she does throw temper tantrums most of the time related to wanting some kind of food or not wanting to brush her teeth or go potty or not wanting to go to sleep. We are still working on the potty training, it's about 50/50 and she wears pull-ups still during the day and diapers at night. It's hard to focus on it with so little free time. We need to find a weekend to do one of those cold turkey run around with no clothes things - but there's never a free weekend! She loves gymnastics and swim classes, and hopefully she will soon graduate to the classes that don't require parent participation. She is beautiful, loving, funny and sassy. We adore her!

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