Well firstly, she hated it. As soon as they put the smock on her, she was like "WTF". She wanted no part of this strange lady and her scissors or the cute car they have the kids sit in. So I ended up holding her for the better part of the haircut (which since it was bangs only was about 5 minutes). But the bangs look super cute on her. I love to see more of that kissable face! Then Sofia who didn't need a haircut insisted on one, so she got some bangs too. Her hair is curly so bangs don't really work as well, but she was excited, got braids and glitter, and a lollipop. After we got home we took some cute pics on our "in home photo studio" with my little backdrop kit, and they really were not cooperating so I'm surprised I got so many good ones.
And lastly - gotta have the baby comparison shot - Sofia & Gabby's first haircuts side by side.

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