Saturday, March 31, 2012

Decorating Easter Eggs

We decorated Easter Eggs today. Sofia enjoyed it though the dyes were not that colorful and the stickers didn't really stick that well :) Gabby just watched and had a snack. (that's strawberries on her face!)

This is Sofia's bunny ears :)

This is Sofia's bunny ears :)

Sofia's "nap"

Sofia's pretty much given up her afternoon nap on the weekends. It's a fight to get her to take it. Today she went over to her Grandma Sara's house "to nap" which we knew meant she wouldn't but this is still such a cute picture!!

Last Gymnastics Class (for now)

Today was Sofia's last gymnastics class for a while. They move kids up at age 3 into the next class (no more parent and me) but we literally have plans every Saturday in April, and we're also looking ice skating lessons which are only available on Saturdays (gym day). Though has fun she hasn't been as engaged recently and hasn't been listening very well to the teacher - so it will probably be good to switch things up! Here are pics from today:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Instagram Fun

Two of the pics I took of Sofia this week with my Instagram app.
Cheesy face and random karate kick! This is what I get when I ask to take pictures.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sofia's Big Girl Swim Class

I got a chance to go to Sofia's swim class with her tonight and see first hand how much fun she is having! She just loves Omar her teacher and totally flirts with him. And there are 2 other little girls and they just feed off each other. Super cute!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Birthday Party Filled Day

Sofia went to TWO birthday parties today! In the morning we all braved the rain and went to Griffin's 3rd birthday at kidspace pasadena. On the way way we listened to Def Leppard (see videos below). It was very fun. Gabby skipped her morning nap for the first time (she was close to losing it towards the end and crashed in the car). Then we let Sofia skip her afternoon nap to go to Dustin's 7th birthday at his karate studio - last video below is her doing some combat. Afterwards Nelson took Sofia and they had a dinner "date" after at Pei Wei.
Luckily both girls crashed early :)

Rockin' out to Def Leppard:

Sofia at Karate:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Gabby Walking! (Video)

She is on the move- still a little unstable but cruising around (no hands!)
It gets good at the :43 mark

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Easter Bunny 2012 / Gabby Walking!

Today we went to the mall for pics with the Easter Bunny. Once Sofia saw him she got scared and decided she didn't want a picture. So I waited with Gabby. When we got to the front, Sofia decided she did want to take a picture (mostly because she wanted to ask him for a Barbie in her Easter basket) but Gabby got scared and started to cry, I put her on his lap and she freaked. So we ended up with just Sofia! We got 3 cute variations.
Afterwards we did a little photo shoot at home. Big Sister & Little Sister outfits and tutus!

PS Gabby is walking!! 5-6 steps at a time, but a bunch of times this weekend. The standing photo below was her walking towards the camera.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Swingin' Good Time

Lots of fun on the swingset today!