Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sofia Graduates from Swim Class

Today Sofia graduated from Parent & Me swim class. She has been taking class with Nel or I since she was just over a year old. She can now hold her breath underwater, float on her back, and swim several strokes on her own, so she will now start "Baby Grad" class in the water alone with an instructor and two other kids.
What's ironic is she did not want to go to swimming anymore. She told us this morning, she didn't want to to swimming anymore. I was only able to convince her by telling her that Gabby and I would come watch. So it's sweet irony that when we arrived at class they told us she would graduate today. So we got to be there for it! I took some video - she got a certificate and got to ring the bell, and the whole place applauded for her. It was super sweet.
Pics and two videos below - one of her swimming and the bell ceremony!

Gabby had fun watching, or rather snacking

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