Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sliding & Swimming

We had a great day today - jam-packed - in the morning we went to Sofia's friend Nathan's birthday party. Nathan goes to the girls' daycare and there were several friends from daycare there. It was at a big place with slides, and ball pits and an arcade and laser tag. Sofia ran around like crazy, Gabby stayed a little closer by but loved going down the slide.

In the afternoon we went in the hot tub which we'd lowered the temperature on. Sofia was splashing and jumping and blowing bubbles. Gabby only came in for a couple of minutes, then she was over it. We are going to start her with lessons soon, but if today is any indication, it should be....interesting!
I love their bathing suits - Sofia picked this one from her closet, she got it years ago from Uncle Greggy but she's finally big enough to wear it. Gabby's I just got the other day at Gymboree - on sale - and I love the matching hat!


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