Friday, June 12, 2009

Bath time Fun + Video!

Sofia definitely digs bath are some photos and video!
For those wondering what that green blanket thing is on her its called a "Bath Luv" - it's in the shape of a frog. Its basically a large thick washcloth that you put in warm water and cover the baby with while bathing to keep them warm. I know, how did babies ever survive before the Bath Luv?

I love this one, she's sticking out her tongue at Daddy

Forgive my inane commentary - if I could figure out how to mute it, I would!


  1. So CUTE - she's loves her bath time now, huh? I think that Bath Luv thing is very cool - I'm sure learning a lot since Ben was a baby! :)

  2. and actually...your "inane commentary" is pretty funny --- raise your hand if you're Sure?? heh heh
