Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sofia's Naming Ceremony

Today we had a Naming Ceremony for Sofia at our house. It was a wonderful day with family and friends. Special thanks to James for performing the ceremony in English and Spanish and to the Elliotts for providing the playground :)

Cory was our photographer and took over 300 pics - we had a hard time whittling them down but put a few of our favorites here.
The Ceremony:

Bisabeula (Great grandma) Sara - 101 years old!

Nel & Sofia

Heath & Sofia

Abuela Sara's first official photo with Sofia!

Sofia with Grandma Patti

Sofia with Grandpa Steve & Grammy Sue

Jeremy with his gift "#1 Godfather but you can call me GF"

Sofia & her godmother Leah

Lexie gives love to Sofi

We love our girl!

Godparents rule!

The Circle of Love (our best friends!)

My sis & bro Holli & James

Young Love - Alexis and Cian

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