Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year Everyone!

We had a nice day today - Jan. 1st is always the day we take down the Christmas decorations. It usually makes me a little sad, another Christmas gone, but this year I thought "I'm already looking forward to next Christmas" - Sofi will be 21 months next Xmas and will have more of an idea of what's going on.

Tonight we went to the Grays for dinner, and Sofi went down in her pack & play so we watched a movie The Hangover (hilarious)

Reflecting back on this past year, I know that it was a hard year for so many people. On a personal level, it was devastating to lose my grandma, especially since it was less than a month before Sofia was born. I wanted so much for them to meet each other. But 2009 will always be the year that Sofia came into my world and changed me (us - both Nel & I) forever. She really truly is the most amazing human being I could ever imagine. Every day she makes me laugh, smile, appreciate the quiet moments, revel in awe that we created this awesome little creature. Every day she does something new - I try not to be "that parent" who thinks their child is the best at everything...but I can't believe at just under 9 months she is crawling, standing, walking with help, waving, clapping, babbling....she amazes me. I can't believe we waited this long for this great gift, but I'm also glad that we did because this is when I was really ready to be a mom. We love you Sofia!

I'm looking forward to all of the awesome things that 2010 will bring - I can't wait until Sofia is walking, talking, eating "big people" food -- all things that will happen this year.

Check out Sofia in her My First New Year bib!

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