Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Fun Things Every Day!

It seems like every day is a new adventure and Sofia is doing new and exciting things.
Besides crawling (now all the way across the room not just from one toy back to the other) she is cruising a lot on the furniture (mostly the coffee table/ottoman) and pulling herself to standing on bookshelves, tables and the aforementioned ottoman.
*We still have not childproofed, ugh, we have all the stuff, just need to install it.
Yesterday (1/5/09) she finally clapped for the first time, with both palms flat. She seems to love the noise it makes and gets really excited and laughs when we all clap. We were watching the World Juniors Hockey Tournament and the USA won the Gold medal game (suck it Canada!) and Nelson and I were jumping up and down and she was clapping, it was so funny. She definitely seems to like it when we get excited when goals get scored during hockey games on TV. We are planning to take her to another live Kings game next weekend (day game instead of a night game) and see if she likes it better this time.
Then today, I got her to give me a High Five! I think she thought we were each one half of a clap, and she did it repeatedly and sort of grabbed my hand a few times rather than "smacking" it. But again, she laughed, she thought "this is a fun game"!
Also today, for the first time, when I dropped her off at daycare, she reached for the daycare lady to take her. She doesn't normally get upset but doesn't willingly go to Lena or reach out when Lena opens her arms. It was so sweet! It made me really happy because it shows that she really likes it there and is surely having a fun time while Nel and I are at work.
One other cute thing she has done the past 2 nights was when I set her in her crib at bedtime, she crawled over and picked up her pacifier, put it in her mouth, and grabbed her Blankie/"Lovey" and curled up, like "Yes Mama I know its bedtime now". That was awesome a) because she didn't cry and b) because it means she understands the concept of bedtime and her rituals.
She has outgrown a lot of her "infant" items - bathtub, swing, infant car seats (installed the second "big" car seat in car #2 today), and I think we're sadly going to have to say goodbye to the activity center and Bumbo seat too - she just doesn't want to be "trapped" in those, its just too exciting to be moving around. We may keep the door jumpy a little longer though, she still likes to bounce and swing and that goes up to 25 lbs.
Still waiting on more teeth - just those bottom two still, though she drools and drools all day long.
I'm still not totally sure if her "mamamama" actually means Mama, sometimes she says it in tandem with reaching for me or clinging to me, so I think maybe? But other times she does the same thing with other babble sounds too. If only we knew what those little minds are thinking!
Next week is her 9 month doctor's appointment so we'll post her stats then. I think she will be around 21 lbs and 29 inches.

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