Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sofia's First Valentine's Day!

Today was Sofia's first Valentine's day and boy was she all decked out - even had hearts on her socks! Didn't mean to take so many photos but she is just too darn cute. Photo gallery below.

Some of her latest favorite things to do are:
+ shrug her shoulders
+ lick her lips, suck on her top lip (and she's getting a terrible case of chapped lips because of it!)
+ Stand up by herself for several seconds at a time (this is now a daily occurrence)
+ Applaud for herself
+ Pull off her socks, a lot
+ EAT - the girl loves snacks, especially Puffs
+ She has sadly learned how to throw a temper tantrum. She plants herself face down and buried her head in the rug while screaming. Eeek. Luckily doesn't happen too often.
+ Definitely understanding words now, the other day Nelson told her to pick up her Frog and she went right for her Frog toy. Today I told her to "shake shake shake" and she picked up her little maraca toy and shook it. Lena says she has said "mama" and I think today she may have actually said it and meant it, because she looked right at me and held up her arms. So sweet. Then I pointed to Nelson and she said "dadada". So I think she finally grasps the concept at least of certain words.

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