Monday, February 1, 2010

Ups & Downs of being a baby

In terms of her physical development and health, it's been an interesting couple of weeks.

* Right after her 9 month checkup, Sofia went through a bout of throwing up. Every day for a week, she threw up her dinner. Not any other meal, just dinner. No matter what we gave her or how much/little. No other symptoms. Took her to the doctor who said as odd as it was, it would probably just pass. And it did. But it was a really weird week!

* Sofia has now stood up without holding onto something at least half a dozen times. Last night she did it in her crib several times, pulled herself up, then let go of the crib rails. She seemed to know that it was cool, because she looked awfully proud of herself.

* I am way behind in posting videos, I have about a dozen which I'll try to get to this week. But one thing she does now which is so cute and I do have a video of, is when we watch hockey on TV and the team we are cheering for scores, she puts her hands up in the air to celebrate. Future hockey fan in the making!

* Sofia is teething big time. She has been a human faucet, drooling up a storm and knawing on anything she can put in her mouth. She has also had a little bit of a runny nose but no fever. It didn't seem to bother her much until yesterday, she was fine all day but would not go to sleep at bedtime. After an hour of consoling and some Tylenol, she crashed for about 2 hours - then she was up from midnight to 3am. ugh! Wide awake alternating wanting to play and screaming bloody murder. (Needless to say I'm hurting today, and Nelson ended up calling in sick because he would have had to get up 2 hours later!) I really hope these teeth make their way out so she can get back to being the good sleeper she is. I'm just glad she isn't too bothered by it during the day.

* We're just waiting for those first steps on her own. Could be any time!

1 comment:

  1. I think she'll walk soon - she seems to be following your path of development pretty closely. You stood up without holding onto anything for about 2 weeks or so before you starting taking steps by yourself. Can't wait to see the new videos - the one of her putting her arms up to celebrate at the hockey games sounds adorable. She's growing fast - she'll be flying around the house in no time!
