Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kidspace Museum

Today we went to Kidspace Musuem in Pasadena with two of the families from my mom's group - the Parks and the Richards'. They actually have quite a lot for little kids to do. First we went to the Early Childhood Learning Center. Sofia liked playing in there, and especially liked all of the fake plastic food. Yum!

Sharing fake cupcakes with Griffin

The girl who worked there played with Sofia with a fish puppet

Then it was time to change into bathing suit for water fun outside. And since it was over 100 degrees I'm sure it felt good! First playing in a small fountain with Cole & Griffin:

Then a cool water table!

Then Daddy took her into this cool river on the mountain side
And they played in some water coming down off a spout

Then she thought it would be fun to try to climb the rock wall like the big kids!

Fun day but man were we all exhausted after!

1 comment:

  1. That place looks fun! There is a really cool outdoor water park (free- it's literally in a park) in Panorama City. The kids LOVED it when we lived there. The have buckets that tip over and dump water on you, fountains, water tables, etc. Sofi might be a bit too young, but you could check it out. I can't remember the name of it, but if you googled it, I'm sure you could find it.
