Friday, July 9, 2010

Sofia at 15 months

It's been a while since I've posted just an update on Sofia, not just pics! So here goes:
* She is starting to talk a lot - yes a lot of baby babble but some real words as well. She says "mama" "dada" "hi" "up" "nana" (banana) "more" "milk" "cracker" "diaper" "Elmo" and will repeat words/noises.
* She still does her signs and the newest is please. You rub one hand in a circle on your chest. Except she does it with two hands and circles both on her belly.
* She gives high fives, fist bumps, blows kisses, waves and gives kisses on the mouth and big hugs. She shrieks with excitement when either Nelson or I get home from work.
* She loves animals, especially dogs, and likes to repeat animal noises.
* She is very musical, every time we put on music she dances or claps or bops her head. Tonight Nelson had on Motley Crue and she was banging her head. Adorbs!
* She is now 26 lbs, gains about a lb a month. Her next dr appointment won't be until October (at 18 months).
* Still loves food! Her favorite snacks are bananas and graham crackers.
* She is very independent! She knows what she wants and is vocal when she doesn't get it.
* She now walks, runs, climbs up stairs but not so great at going down stairs, she likes to climb up on chairs (mostly her baby sized ones). She can spend hours splashing on the deck with her water table, and likes to go in the "cold" hot tub with mommy & daddy. She still enjoys her swim lessons on Sundays but hasn't quite mastered blowing bubbles and not swallowing the water.
* She is very social and loves people, especially other kids. We're very sad because her two best friends at daycare, Samantha and Danielle, are going to kindergarten in September. But every day when Nelson picks her up, Lena and Peter have funny stories about things she has done, from talking all day, to putting away her toys, to being a daredevil.
* The only TV we watch at home is Sesame Street and she is obsessed with Elmo. She lights up every time he comes on screen. She has an Elmo doll that she hugs and kisses.
* Our evening activities typically include a walk - we push her in her buggy or pull her in her wagon. She also pulls out books for us to read to her every night. She likes to turn the pages before we're done.
* She is still a good sleeper, unless she's not feeling good. We had a couple of rough nights this week with her waking up, probably because she has been fighting a little cold, but in general she goes to sleep at 8:30pm and wakes up around 7:30am. She will sleep in or play in her crib on the weekends so we can usually drag it out to 8:30-9am.
* She wears a size 12-18 month clothes, a size 4 shoes (small feet for her age, but we're moving her into 5's this week) and size 4 diapers.
* She has been off of the bottle for about 2 months, sippy cup only. The next battle will be losing the pacifier (hopefully by 18 months) then potty training (around 2).
* She currently has 5 teeth, 3 on the bottom and the top two are her eye teeth - still no front 4 teeth! Our little vampire baby.
* She is the most amazing little girl, who lights up our every day. We can't imagine life without her or remember life before her.

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