Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wearing her FedEx gear proudly

Here's Sofia wearing Daddy's FedEx beanie and of course her Elmo bib:

All about Sofia at 20 months

Sofia really is the joy of our lives. She is always doing and saying funny things and every day we realize she has learned something new. Here are some of the things she's doing these days:

- She loves calling people by name. She calls herself "Fia".
- Her latest saying is "Mere" which means Come Here and she even gestures come here with her hands. She also likes to make us sit down and says "Eat" when she is eating. And when Nelson is in the other room she calls out "Daddy, are you?" for "Where are you?" It's so funny and great that she's putting things together and understands that she can ask questions or make requests. And it's still the funniest thing when she scolds Nelson, mostly for touching her mommy.
- She loves shoes, not only her own but also mine. (see pic) She also likes to try to put on her own socks.

- She is starting to reject foods she used to like. She is also starting to spit out foods she doesn't like. Gross! She pretty much always insists on feeding herself now. We just have to make the plate, give her a fork or spoon, and hope for the best! She is a little scavenger too, she'd much rather have whatever we are eating or drinking.
- She loves bathtime. Especially bubble baths. Except for the rinsing her hair part. Her favorite are the fishies - her little fish squirt toys. But she also likes to stick the little foam letters and numbers on the wall.
- She is getting really good at her swim lessons. She kicks her legs and has for the most part stopped swallowing water. She has a friend in her class Lincoln who she loves, she calls out his name when she sees him. He's about 2 1/2 and he's a little firecracker!
- She is showing the first signs of readiness for potty training. She will say poo poo if she has poo poo in her diaper or if she has to go. She has asked to sit on her potty without a diaper. She just hasn't gone in it!
- She still loves her Elmo. We pretty much watch Sesame Street every day. She is getting good at repeating the numbers and letters and she knows most of the characters. We discovered when perusing the DirecTV guide the other day - which shows pictures of the show characters - that she loves Dora. I was looking for a show and skipped passed Dora and she yelled "Dora"! So now we have another show to record.
- I just discovered that she knows Mickey Mouse by name too. We have her "my first trip to Disneyland" button on the shelf and yesterday she grabbed it and said "Mickey Mouse".
- She can count to five (sometimes skipping four!) and sings along to the ABC's. She also loves Ring Around the Rosies, Tick Tock, and her latest favorite is Itsy Bitsy Spider and she does the hand gesture like the spider going up.
- At bedtime she likes to play a game where I sit on the other side of her crib and she kisses me between the slats. It's so sweet and totally a stall tactic but it works :) She has learned that if she gives us hugs and kisses we won't say no and that buys her a few minutes. Or the latest trick - telling me she has to go potty. Lately she hasn't been napping great on the weekends. I hope this is not a sign that she is going to give up naps any time soon. We enjoy that little break in the day!
- She likes standing on a stool in the kitchen while Nelson makes her breakfast...she even helps whisk the eggs. She thinks it's the greatest! Milk is still her favorite beverage, she wakes up in the morning and first thing she says is "milk". She's getting too smart because I can't just say "all gone" when I don't want her to have something. The other day she wanted more Cheerios ("eerio") and I said "all gone" and she pointed to the box on top of the fridge like "no it's not all gone, hello!"
- She has major separation anxiety when we leave - either just putting her in bed or when her Grandma Sara comes over to babysit. She screams like it's the end of the world but it seriously lasts less than 2 minutes. Just long enough to make us feel terrible but quickly forgotten.
- She is getting the first of her molars. There is one peeking through. But it seems like she has been drooling like mad for a month. So maybe the others are close behind.
- We did shortly after her 18 month mark officially lose the pacifier for good. Hallelujah, so we don't have to fight that battle later. Wonder what she'll think when Baby Gabby has one though.
- She loves playing in our new room. Lots of space to run around and she likes to jump on the pillows. She's also figured out how to get up and down off the bed.

We've just really noticed a learning spurt these past couple of weeks - she is like a sponge and soaks up everything she hears or sees and is starting to comprehend it. It's awesome!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Master Closets done

We finished the closets in our new room. We put in nice shelving units with drawers, baskets and clothing rods. Then Nelson installed the closet doors. Hooray! Looks great.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Circle of Love Christmas

Talk about a crazy day! After lunch with the Wyetts, Sofia refused to nap, then we were off to the Ikedas for our yearly Circle of Love Christmas dinner (always celebrated Thanksgiving weekend). Surprisingly Sofia never really lost it, despite how tired she must have been, there was just too much fun stuff going on. Lots of running and playing and she loved opening presents! It's fun to see her interact with the other kids too. She was pretty good about not being too grabby and sharing, and didn't get upset when the other kids took toys from her. She was just rolling with it. She wasn't terribly interested in dinner - more raspberry blowing at all of the foods she didn't want to eat. Sigh. Is this where my good eater turns into a picky one?

Ready to open?

New puzzle!

New book

Cool fake food - she wanted us to point to each one and say the word so she could repeat it.


With BFF Lexie

Girls just want to have fun - Lexie & OG

Group shot (from L to R): Josh, Dustin, Conall, Sasha, Alexis, Olivia, Sofia and Cian

Crashed in the car...sleep tight little one!

Lunch with Holli & the kids minus Brad

Today Sofia and I met up with Holli, Savanna, Ben and Emma for lunch at the always exciting Sizzler. It was very empty which was good because we took our time, went through several rounds of plates, made a mess, then Sofia ran around a bit. Her favorites were the pasta noodles and ice cream. The latter may have contributed to the frantic running around after :)

With Savanna

Girl cousins!

Running around like a mad woman

Don't these two just look like trouble?

Emma's spiffy hat


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We enjoyed Sofia's second turkey day - her first to actually eat turkey! She wasn't all that impressed, she ate some potatoes and some fruit and bread. That's about it. And she started this charming new habit of spitting out raspberry-style anything she didn't like. But it was still a fun dinner with Dad, Sue, Mary , Bob and Sue's friends Buddy and Betsy and their son Scott. Sofia shared her goldfish crackers with everyone and gave kisses when we left. She was sad that the doggy was outside but enjoyed her from afar.

Big girl sitting at the table

She loves her Daddy!

My favorite shot!

Happy girl

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Sofia woke up early today (on my "get up with her" day of course!) Lucky for me Nelson let me go back to sleep for a bit when he got up. Then he went to a car show for a few hours and Sofia and I took a walk and went to Target. After nap time we watched hockey on TV and did a little bit of work on our closet shelving systems. (almost done!)
We gotta get a move on because we have lots left on our "To Do before baby #2" list!

Yogurt and couscous...sounds like a weird combo but she loved both!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Scooter's Jungle

Tonight we went to Scooter's Jungle in Valencia to celebrate OG & Sasha's birthdays. Last year Sofia wasn't even walking yet so this year was much different. She ran all over the place, played with the toys, slid with Daddy, and enjoyed her first piece of pizza - yum!

She loved this toy car

Ready to slide with Daddy

Maybe a little scared?

But ready to go again!

End of the slide

She found the chips!

This little car had a track with bumps kind of like a coaster - cool!

Auntie Anna making Sofia laugh

Hugs from Lexie

Where's my pizza?

MMMM this smells good

She pulled off the cheese and ate it first

The birthday girls


Got just a little on her :) Red Velvet is messy

Ready for the group photo

Its impossible to get 20 kids to look at once!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Nelson's Birthday Dinner

Tonight we followed our tradition of celebrating all the big holidays at our favorite place -- and had Nelson's birthday at Benihana. Sofia is finally old enough to be interested in the little tricks they do when they cook the food. She was smiling and waving to the wait staff and our fellow diners. Too cute!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy Birthday to Nelson!

Today was Nelson's 39th birthday! We had a pretty mellow day, went out to lunch but mostly just hung out. Tomorrow night we are celebrating at (you guessed it) Benihana.

Birthday Boy

Sofia hearts Rock & Roll

Fun spinning!

Serious girl