Friday, November 26, 2010

Circle of Love Christmas

Talk about a crazy day! After lunch with the Wyetts, Sofia refused to nap, then we were off to the Ikedas for our yearly Circle of Love Christmas dinner (always celebrated Thanksgiving weekend). Surprisingly Sofia never really lost it, despite how tired she must have been, there was just too much fun stuff going on. Lots of running and playing and she loved opening presents! It's fun to see her interact with the other kids too. She was pretty good about not being too grabby and sharing, and didn't get upset when the other kids took toys from her. She was just rolling with it. She wasn't terribly interested in dinner - more raspberry blowing at all of the foods she didn't want to eat. Sigh. Is this where my good eater turns into a picky one?

Ready to open?

New puzzle!

New book

Cool fake food - she wanted us to point to each one and say the word so she could repeat it.


With BFF Lexie

Girls just want to have fun - Lexie & OG

Group shot (from L to R): Josh, Dustin, Conall, Sasha, Alexis, Olivia, Sofia and Cian

Crashed in the car...sleep tight little one!

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