Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Comes Early!

Christmas is just days away but tonight we received 3 cool gifts - mostly for Sofia!
#1 Flowers from Uncle Bob with a teddy bear for Sofia
#2 A great book "I'm a Big Sister" from my boss Tracey which explains how even though there is a new baby the big sister is still very special
#3 a customized outfit and hat from Rene & Winter - with her signature nickname "OCAB" (One cute ass baby!) I wonder if she soon will transition to be OCAT (one cute ass toddler?)

First had to show off her cute hair - Lena at daycare did her hair in about 6 different little ponytails. Super cute but she cried when we took out the rubbed bands :(

Reading her new book

Teddy bear hugs

Hat from Rene

Here's the outfit - which she will wear soon

Another cute hate pic

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