Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tree Trimming

For the first time since I've been an adult out on my own, we bought a real tree! It's fairly small, probably 5 feet tall, but we figured since this is the first year that Sofia would start to kind of understand Christmas, it would be fun to go real. We ended up putting it in our room - because it's large enough to fit a tree and our living room isn't, and also because we can shut the door to keep Sofia away from it when we need to (and away from the presents under it). She liked looking at all of the ornaments, she stepped on a few candy canes, mostly she just liked handing me things to put on the tree. Tomorrow we'll hopefully get the rest of our holiday decorating done including Xmas lights!

Putting the angel on the top of the tree

No sitting down on the job, kid

What a little cheese-ball!

Our finished tree! Just needs presents!

1 comment:

  1. I just can't stop looking at that picture of Sofi smiling in front of the tree- she really is a cutie pie! There's your Christmas card!! (And I wonder where she gets the cheese ball grin!?!?)
