Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gabby is Here!!

Went to bed around midnight last night and couldn’t really get comfortable. Had a few contractions and thought maybe this is it? So around 1am started to track them, after about 3 came 5-6 minutes apart I woke up Nelson and asked if he thought we should go in to Kaiser. I called Labor & Delivery and they recommended it, so Nelson called his mom to come over and stay with Sofia. In the time it took them to get there, the contractions moved to 3 minutes apart. I was freaking out, I need an epidural! We got to Kaiser around 2:30 am and got put right into a delivery room. The doctor checked me and I was 2 centimeters. I got my IV in and finally the epidural (took much longer than last time!) Contractions stalled out for a couple of hours between 6 to 8am so they gave me some pitocin and right away I could feel them (even with the epidural) and the pressure was very low down. The doctor came and checked me and I was fully dilated. The staff got set up and 4 pushes later Gabriella was here! Born at 9:35am and weighing 8 lbs 12 oz, she is 20 inches long. She seems longer and leaner than Sofia but has a lot of similar characteristics – the dark hair, the lips, the forehead, the funny little baby faces. It was a long day but a great one - here are some pics!

Welcome to the world!

I make big babies!

She was totally chillin in the bath

Hello my sweet

Daddy loves you!

Family pic!

Gabby's first visitors - Auntie Leah
(didn't get pics yet with Grammy Sue, Grandma Sara, Patty or Uncle Jer)

Papa Steve

Auntie Anna

Sofia comes to meet her sister!

She totally knew what was going on and was very excited

Lots of hugs and kisses!

Sofia's new t-shirt and balloon

Checking out the baby bassinet - silly girl!

What a day!

Where did she get these feet?? Long and thin toes

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