Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gabby is 7 weeks old today!

She is much more alert these days although still takes 4 naps a day. She is cooing a lot and babbling. She is starting to try to grab for things, mostly my necklace (Sofia was also obsessed with it). She has a very happy disposition, and I've gotten really good at telling when she is tired vs mad vs hungry vs wet. I am following the Babywise schedule much better than I ever did with Sofia and it's going great. She eats every 3 hours and is up for about an hour then goes down for about a 2 hour nap 4x/day. After her 7:30pm feeding she goes to bed at 8:30pm, then we wake her for a "dreamfeed" at 10:30 before we go to bed and she has been sleeping until anywhere from 3-5am - 3x this week she made it to 5am! And she doesn't eat much at that middle of the night feeding so hopefully she won't need it for much longer. Wouldn't that be nice to have a baby that sleeps through the night at 8 weeks?! The book says between 8-12 weeks is what most babies on this plan do. Sofia slept through the night at 5 months which was still pretty great. But she still hates naps and going to bed to this day.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Obsession with Shoes Continues...

Today it was my slippers, which she thought looked like Boots' (from Dora) boots so she wanted to wear them...

By the end of it, the slippers were facing backwards!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Gabby Smiles!

Gabby has been smiling at us for a little over a week but finally was able to catch some with the camera! Enjoy the many smiles of Gabriella:

Sofia - 2 Year Photo Shoot

We went to The Picture People again because I had two coupons and we got some great pics for a great price. Sofia was her usual fun self and I ended up getting more pics than I intended to!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jenna's Birthday Party at My Gym

Today was Sofia's mommy & me friend Jenna's birthday party at My Gym. Sofia and I went and Nel stayed home with Gabby. All the way there Sofia said "happy birthday Jenna". It was such a fun party. The kids all got to run around and jump and play and sing. There was a ball pit, trampoline, slides, basketball, gym equipment and a zip line. Sofia was in an especially energetic mood - probably excited to get to run around and scream and not be told "Shhh Gabby's sleeping" =) She loved her goodie bag too (bubbles!), and all the way home in the car she said "Thank you Jenna".

Let's get this party started!

Hugs for Jenna

My little flasher

Ball pit fun with the birthday girl

Sliding (above) and Basketball (below) with Ben

Eating cake with Griffin

Zip Line

Shaking the parachute

Getting shaken on the parachute

One last trip in the ball pit before the party ends

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Gabby's First Kings Game

Had a great time at Gabby's first Kings game - the Kings won - although the best player on the team (Kopitar) got injured! Gabby slept most of the time with the help of her fancy ear blocking headphones. Wish we'd had these for Sofi! Olivia and Sasha were also attending their first game. We had great seats too.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Gabby's New Paci

It was finally time to bring out the Wubbanub - Sofia had the frog, and we got Gabby the duck. It's the same brand paci she already uses (Soothie) attached to a stuffed animal. This helps her to grab at it and push it up to her mouth when it slips out. The added weight of the stuffed animal (which is very light) somehow helps it stay in better as well. Plus it's so darn cute!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

She's Escaped!

Already breaking the swaddle - one hand managed to escape yesterday....

Then this morning I awoke to this...

Both hands! Looks like a strapless dress at this point.