Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekend Recap

Even weekends where we don't do much are quite the adventure. The hardest part is keeping Sofia quiet while Gabby naps which is throughout the day. Sofia really is a hoot these days. Oh the things she says! I sneezed today and she said "Less You Mama" - too cute! and she is speaking in full sentences now and reading books (mostly identifying photos in books or remembering the words by memory). Gabby has fallen into somewhat of a routine and still on most nights needs 2 feedings. Daylight Savings Day was a little tricky today so hope they all sleep tonight.
We did have a nice dinner with Dad & Sue - Sofia entertained us all while Gabby snoozed the whole time.
Here are some pics from the weekend:

Taking a nap together

In the "fort" of pillows built with Daddy

She loves to wear my shoes - typically on the wrong feet

We miss Lappy playing!

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