Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Bunny Saga 2011

Today we headed to the mall for some shopping, lunch and a picture with the Easter Bunny. We talked about it at home all morning and I showed Sofia her picture from last year. She seemed excited, and kept saying Easter Bunny. I even showed her how to do bunny ears which she attempted (see photo below). When we got there she was excited to see him, there was one person in line in front of us and she kept yelling and waving to him. Then when it was our guessed it, no deal! So Gabby got her own picture with the Easter Bunny alone. It was just like how she is with Bailey (the Kings mascot) from far away she loves him but up close, forget it! But we still got some cute pics today and she got some goodies at the Disney store, and a new pair of sunglasses (a gift from a friend from swim class who we ran into - she owns a kiosk at the mall of kids clothes).

All dressed up!
(cute outfit from Nelson's co-worker)

Our little frog

Daddy being silly

Sofia copying him

Bunny ears (kind of!)

Holding Gabby (this lasted about 2 seconds then Gabby said "no way!")

Despite no Sofia, I love this pic! Gabby looks so cute!

Cruising the mall

New sunglasses

The only Bunny she would pose with today!

But just for fun I used my photoshop skills to add Sofia to the picture, this is what it should have looked like!

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