Monday, April 4, 2011

Sofia Turns 2!

Today was Sofia's actual birthday, though I think she now thinks every day is her birthday (and that will continue tomorrow as she will celebrate at daycare). I picked her up early so we could go out for a fun birthday dinner at Red Robin. I asked her on the way home from daycare what she wanted for her birthday dinner and she said "cake". I told her you can't just have cake, what else? "French Fries". =) That's my girl alright...she keeps cracking us up singing Happy Birthday to "So-si" which is how she says Sofi. We can't believe how fast 2 years goes!

Birthday Girl!


She's one cool 2 year old!

Sweet face


Eating her very first cheeseburger (and she destroyed it!)

This was as they were singing to her

It's not cake but she said it was "nummy" (hot fudge sundae)

Presents from Mama & Daddy - #1 Dora suitcase

Hockey sticks!

Trying on one of her new shirts

She got lots of books, but this one is so cute - they put her face and name into a Dora story! (ordered it on Shutterfly)

Close-up of the cover

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that book is so cute. It reminds me of those movies Grandma made for Ben and Brad where Brad is Spiderman and Ben is a guest at Barney's birthday party.
