Friday, August 5, 2011

"Firsts" Always seem to Come in Batches

Lots new and exciting to report this week. Gabby had her first formula bottles on Wednesday and seems to like them. Her poop was green, Nelson reports :) Finally caught a pick of her sitting up and grabbing/eating her toes (yum). We also put her in a high chair at a restaurant for the first time. She liked it for a little while, then just wanted to be held.
Sofia continues to amaze us, she likes to read her own stories at bedtime and surprisingly gets a lot of the plot points right. She sings along with all of our bedtime songs. She knows shapes, instruments, elements of nature, animals and more by sight (if I ask her to point to something or ask her what something is, she knows) She also shushed me for the first time because I was singing while she was reading, and told me that monsters are going to eat her feet when she goes to bed. Who knows where she gets this?! She has been going poopoo on the potty and makes us go outside so she can have her privacy. She still loves her candy surprise - most of the time I think that's the only reason why she does it. Not quite ready to go full underwear but the pull-ups are working well.
The girls also took their first bath together tonight! Nelson also took some cute cell phone pix today of he and Gabby.

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