Sunday, July 31, 2011

Busy Day!

Most of which we don't have pictures of! Mom's group at the Steinbergs (swimming and picnic) - someone got a pic of all of the kids buck naked taking a shower at the poolhouse, I'll post when I get that emailed to me :) Then a surprise visit from the Wyetts. Then Daddy watched the girls so Mommy could get her nails done, and Sofia covered his face in stickers! This is the first time I think ever that Sofia hasn't taken a nap all day - sure there have been times we put her down and she never slept but she was resting (kind of) in her crib. Today it was go-go-go all day. Add to that, Gabby has just dropped her third nap probably a little prematurely so she has been getting tired in the evenings. So both girls were in bed and asleep by 8pm. Hallelujah.

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