Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We had a wonderful Halloween! The girls dressed up for their daycare costume party/parade as Snow White & Minnie Mouse. Then for Trick or Treating Sofia was Ariel the Little Mermaid, and Gabby was a butterfly (we did dress Gabby up in her other 2 costumes just for the photo opp - Monkey and Witch -- will post the collages and baby photo compare with Sofia when we get them form Costco) Sofia has a blast trick or treating with her sister and cousin Claudia. Then she loved handing out candy - she was literally standing at our door yelling "come on everyone I got candy!" and she gave out handfuls at a time. She looked so cute in her red wig and crown! She did her cheesy smile all night long - hard to get a real smile out of her! Patty & Dustin stopped by to say hi. We all ate too much candy but luckily we got rid of most of it so it's out of the house. Fun day had by all.

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