We decided to start this blog to share our stories - now that Baby Sofia is here, our lives just got a lot busier...and better! She is now almost 2 weeks old, we've managed to get a bit of sleep (OK so we're not zombies any more, that's a start) Here are a few picutres of her right after she was born. I will post more pics soon!

Some of the things we already adore about her: her funny faces while she sleeps (smiles, pouts, makes an "o" with her mouth), the way she snuggles when she is really tired but fighting sleep, her little noises (especially the grunt) - even when she is crying, she is still so beautiful!
Welcome to the blogging world! It's so fun...and can be very addicting, especially when you have cute kids to blog about...or kid in your case! See you soon!