Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sofia's 2 week Dr. appt

Yesterday was Sofia's 2 week doctor's visit. She is now 9 lbs 15.6 oz (that's 10 lbs people!) and 21 inches. She has gained 1 1/2 lbs and 1 1/2 inches in just two weeks! The doctor said she is doing really well. She doesn't have another appointment until June 2nd (her two month).

We are still working on getting her on some kind of a sleep schedule. Nelson went back to work today so he's hurting a bit. But the good news is its 9pm and I've just put her down in her bassinet. (This is the earliest we've gotten her to go to bed so far - by 2 hours!)

Some of the cute things she's done lately - when we put in her pacifier sometimes she grabs our hands (the hand holding the pacifier) and basically forces us to hold her pacifier in for us. It's so cute. She does the best cat stretch ever and makes funny faces while doing it. Also today she actually folded her hands together (kind of like praying pose). I may be biased but I think she's quite talented! We've started giving her a little bit of "tummy time" each day - and she does a really good job of holding up her head already (for a good 30 seconds at a time, not just bobbling). In short - she's already amazing!! :)

Since we've already posted a bunch of pics on facebook, I probably won't duplicate a lot of the same photos here on our blog. You can check out the facebook pics at:


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